Simulation of Radiation Spectra of Planar Channelled Electrons in Thick Silicon Crystals
Hamid Shafeghat
Alireza Abbasnia
Saeed Mohammadi
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 48-52
Received: 29 April 2015
Accepted: 11 May 2015
Published: 16 May 2015
Downloads: 127
Views: 7992
Abstract: Dechanneling processes for electrons based on the solution of Fokker-Planck equation have been studied. The dynamics of particle distribution density in depth of Crystal has been investigated in dependence on both energy and initial scattering distribution of electron beams. The influence of dechanneling process on spectral intensity of channeling radiation for electrons in crystals is investigated.
Abstract: Dechanneling processes for electrons based on the solution of Fokker-Planck equation have been studied. The dynamics of particle distribution density in depth of Crystal has been investigated in dependence on both energy and initial scattering distribution of electron beams. The influence of dechanneling process on spectral intensity of channeling ...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 24Mg and 25Mg Isotopes using OXBASH Code
Saeed Mohammadi
Zohreh Firozi
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 44-47
Received: 29 April 2015
Accepted: 6 May 2015
Published: 16 May 2015
Downloads: 196
Views: 10168
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Magnesium isotopes 24Mg and 25Mg are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Meanwhile, the ground state of excitation energy evaluated by OXBASH code together with energy levels and also probable places for nucleons’ placements in each energy level. Programs will be reliable only when results meet experimental procedures. A compilation of SD-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian and has been published around 1988. A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Magnesium isotopes. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Magnesium isotopes 24Mg and 25Mg are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of d...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 30Si and 31Si Isotopes Using OXBASH Code
Saeed Mohammadi
Fateme Salimi
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 40-43
Received: 29 April 2015
Accepted: 11 May 2015
Published: 16 May 2015
Downloads: 161
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Silicon isotopes 30Si and 31Si are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Meanwhile, the ground state and excitation energies together with number of nucleons in each energy level are calculated by OXBASH code. Programs will be reliable only when results meet experimental procedures. A compilation of SD-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian and has been published around 1988. A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Silicon isotopes. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Silicon isotopes 30Si and 31Si are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of dat...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 20Ne and 21Ne Isotopes
Saeed Mohammadi
Maryam Mounesi
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 36-39
Received: 2 March 2015
Accepted: 4 March 2015
Published: 10 March 2015
Downloads: 224
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Neon isotopes 20Ne and 21Ne are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Meanwhile, the ground state of excitation energy evaluated by OXBASH code together with energy levels and also probable places for nucleons’ placements in each energy level. Programs will be reliable only when results meet experimental procedures. A compilation of SD-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian and has been published around 1988. A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Neon isotopes. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Neon isotopes 20Ne and 21Ne are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. ...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 22-23Na and 24-26Mg Isotopes Using Shell Model Code OXBASH
S. Mohammadi
S. Arbab
E. Tavakoli
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 27-31
Received: 1 March 2015
Accepted: 4 March 2015
Published: 10 March 2015
Abstract: In this paper, the energy levels of Na and Mg isotopes have been calculated. Calculations were carried out in the SD model space with 13 different potentials using the shell model code OXBASH by applying spin-parity of valance nucleons. OXBASH is a computing code for carrying out calculation of nuclear structure based on shell model. We compared calculated energy levels with experimental results and find the best energy and potential for each isotope.
Abstract: In this paper, the energy levels of Na and Mg isotopes have been calculated. Calculations were carried out in the SD model space with 13 different potentials using the shell model code OXBASH by applying spin-parity of valance nucleons. OXBASH is a computing code for carrying out calculation of nuclear structure based on shell model. We compared ca...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 28,30Si and 26,28Al Isotopes Using Shell Model Code OXBASH
S. Mohammadi
A. Heydarzade
V. Ragheb
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 32-35
Received: 2 March 2015
Accepted: 4 March 2015
Published: 10 March 2015
Abstract: In this paper, the energy levels of Na and Al isotopes have been calculated. Calculations were carried out in the SD model space with 13 different potentials using the shell model code OXBASH by applying spin-parity of valance nucleons. OXBASH is a computing code for carrying out calculation of nuclear structure based on shell model. We compared calculated energy levels with experimental results and find the best energy and potential for each isotope.
Abstract: In this paper, the energy levels of Na and Al isotopes have been calculated. Calculations were carried out in the SD model space with 13 different potentials using the shell model code OXBASH by applying spin-parity of valance nucleons. OXBASH is a computing code for carrying out calculation of nuclear structure based on shell model. We compared ca...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 36-37-38Ar Isotopes Using Shell Model Code OXBASH
S. Mohammadi
S. Hesami Rostami
A. Rashed Mohasel
M. Ghamary
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 23-26
Received: 27 February 2015
Accepted: 4 March 2015
Published: 10 March 2015
Abstract: Energy levels of three Argon isotopes with mass numbers 36, 37 and 38 are calculated. Calculations were carried out in the SD model space with 13 different potentials using the shell model code OXBASH by applying spin-parity of valance nucleons. OXBASH is a computing code for carrying out calculation of nuclear structure based on shell model. We compared calculated energy levels with experimental results and find the best energy and potential for each isotope.
Abstract: Energy levels of three Argon isotopes with mass numbers 36, 37 and 38 are calculated. Calculations were carried out in the SD model space with 13 different potentials using the shell model code OXBASH by applying spin-parity of valance nucleons. OXBASH is a computing code for carrying out calculation of nuclear structure based on shell model. We co...
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Calculation of the Energy Levels of Phosphorus Isotopes (A=31 to 35) by Using OXBASH Code
S. Mohammadi
F. Bakhshabadi
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 15-22
Received: 28 January 2015
Accepted: 11 February 2015
Published: 9 March 2015
Abstract: Phosphorus (P) has 23 isotopes from 24P to 46P, only one of these isotopes, 31Pis stable; such as this element is considered as a monoisotopic element. The longest-lived radioactive isotopes are 33P with a half-life of 25.34 days and the least stable is 25P with a half-life shorter than 30ns. Almost all of them are high energy beta-emitters which have valuable applications in medicine, industry, and tracer studies. Calculations of energy level properties of the Phosphor isotopic chain with A = 31 (N=15) to 35 (N=20) calculated through shell model calculations using the shell model code OXBASH for Windows. A compilation of sd-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian has been published around 1988.A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data and USD energies to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Phosphor nuclei. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: Phosphorus (P) has 23 isotopes from 24P to 46P, only one of these isotopes, 31Pis stable; such as this element is considered as a monoisotopic element. The longest-lived radioactive isotopes are 33P with a half-life of 25.34 days and the least stable is 25P with a half-life shorter than 30ns. Almost all of them are high energy beta-emitters which h...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 32Cl and 33Cl Isotopes
Saeed Mohammadi
Monna Chobbdar
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 10-14
Received: 18 January 2015
Accepted: 28 January 2015
Published: 2 March 2015
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Chlorine isotopes 32Cl and 33Cl are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Meanwhile, the ground state of excitation energy evaluated by OXBASH code together with energy levels and also probable places for nucleons placements in each energy level. Programs will be reliable only when results meet experimental procedures. A compilation of SD-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian and has been published around 1988. A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Chlorine isotopes. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Chlorine isotopes 32Cl and 33Cl are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of da...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 29S, 30S and 31S Isotopes
Saeed Mohammadi
Sara Sirjani
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 5-9
Received: 18 January 2015
Accepted: 28 January 2015
Published: 2 March 2015
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Sulfur isotopes 29S – 31S are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Meanwhile, the ground state of excitation energy evaluated by OXBASH code together with energy levels and also probable places for nucleons placements in each energy level. Programs will be reliable only when results meet experimental procedures. A compilation of SD-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian and has been published around 1988. A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Sulfur isotopes. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Sulfur isotopes 29S – 31S are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Me...
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Energy Levels Calculations of 26Al and 29Al Isotopes
Saeed Mohammadi
Hassan Rostam Nezhad
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 3-1, May 2015
Pages: 1-4
Received: 12 January 2015
Accepted: 23 January 2015
Published: 2 March 2015
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Aluminum isotopes 28Al and 29Al are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of data. Meanwhile, the ground state of excitation energy evaluated by OXBASH code together with energy levels and also probable places for nucleons placements in each energy level. Programs will be reliable only when results meet experimental procedures. A compilation of SD-shell energy levels calculated with the USD Hamiltonian and has been published around 1988. A comparison had been made between our results and the available experimental data to test theoretical shell model description of nuclear structure in Aluminum isotopes. The calculated energy spectrum is in good agreement with the available experimental data.
Abstract: In this article by using OXBASH shell model code the energy levels of Aluminum isotopes 28Al and 29Al are calculated. This code which is based on one of the most applicable nuclear models, deals with evaluating energy levels. Applying the program for each isotope using the defined codes, introduces several files which each file contains a set of da...
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