American Journal of Environmental Protection

Special Issue

New Technologies and Geoengineering Approaches for Climate

  • Submission Deadline: 10 April 2016
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Richard O. Claus
About This Special Issue
Climate demonstrates a fast change that is the theme of Special Issue, and the aim is a wide search of the new technical approaches to solve the problem. Development of new technical methods for atmosphere improvement is very important in modern world and mitigation approach is necessary in order to combat the imminent dangers related to climate changes. Humans always wanted to receive lots of water from natural clouds for agriculture. Nowadays clouds became very important, the combination of CO2 and water vapor that collected in clouds makes the 95% of a greenhouse gases mass. So there is a need of methods to act to clouds for their distribution and management. The most popular current technologies for precipitation enhancement are based on small airplanes in use traditionally, but we note that a helicopter can serve to this purpose much better, because it is less speedy and more maneuverable in comparison with an airplane. New technique and technologies for climate are very important scopes. The methods for recovery the atmosphere, soil, ocean and climate are necessary for today.

Aims and scope for the Special Issue:

1. Geoengineering new approaches
2. Greenhouse gases problems and solutions
3. New technique and technologies in meteorology
4. Precipitation enhancement results
5. Remote sensing achievements
6. Cloud diagnostics
7. Models in atmospheric physics and related science areas
8. Methods for soil recovery
9. Recovery methods for oceanic water
10. Solutions for river’s problems
11. Technical methods for droughts and floods
Lead Guest Editor
  • Richard O. Claus

    NanoSonic Inc., Pembroke, United States

Guest Editors
  • Paul A. Comet

    Comet Environmental Consulting, Newcastle University, Houston, United States

  • Tamara Tulaikova

    Wave Research Center, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation

  • John B. Cook

    Advanced Data Mining International (ADMI), Greenville, United States

  • Ph.D. Svetlana Amirova

    Advanced Data Minig Int., Greenville SC, United States

  • Mohammad Hossein Shoushtari

    Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Published Articles
  • An Approach to Removing Large Quantities of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases

    John B. Cook , Svetlana R. Amirova , Edwin A. Roehl Jr. , Paul A. Comet , Tamara V. Tulaykova

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 3-1, June 2016
    Pages: 21-25
    Received: 24 March 2016
    Accepted: 27 March 2016
    Published: 10 May 2016
    Abstract: A method for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (СО2) and water vapor is proposed. The method sprays clouds with alkaline compounds to significantly increase the solubility of СО2 in the cloud water, providing for much higher than normal levels of СО2 to be absorbed by rain droplets. The CO2 is transported to the ground for sequestration in surfac... Show More
  • An Integrated Model of Sustainability and Emission Control: The Concept of Society as a Super Organism That Lives by Consuming Its Own Waste Using Alternative Energy as Currency

    Paul A. Comet

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 3-1, June 2016
    Pages: 17-20
    Received: 2 November 2015
    Accepted: 2 November 2015
    Published: 30 November 2015
    Abstract: There is a need for new political, social and economic theories, as neither present day capitalism nor communism are yet adequate in creating sustainable societies, or for reversing climate change. A rough “working” document for discussion purposes.
  • Micro Physical Model for Glaciogenic Particles in Clouds for Precipitation Enhancement

    Tamara Tulaikova , Svetlana Amirova , Alexandre Michtchenko

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 3-1, June 2016
    Pages: 10-16
    Received: 10 September 2015
    Accepted: 10 September 2015
    Published: 30 November 2015
    Views: 6833
    Abstract: The detailed microphysical model is presented for the cases of injection the glaciogenic particles inside natural clouds; nowadays glaciogen aerosols are solid CO2 or liquid N2. The model includes calculation for quantity of ice crystals that are forming in the overcooled areas, and effect for water droplets grow in a far zone near glaciogen. The c... Show More
  • New Methods for Helicopter for Free Flight Inside Clouds and Precipitation Enhancement

    Richard O. Claus , Tamara V. Tulaikova

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 3-1, June 2016
    Pages: 1-9
    Received: 30 July 2015
    Accepted: 31 July 2015
    Published: 30 November 2015
    Abstract: The method of considerable decrease the CO2 concentration in atmosphere based on precipitation enchainment is considered. Nowadays approaches for cloud reorganization are very important, because the sum of CO2 and water vapor that collected in clouds makes 95% mass of greenhouse gases. Usage of helicopter for free flight inside natural clouds is co... Show More